Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Right, I forgot you don't care about shit. You just care that I don't spend every waking millisecond studying my ass of to be picture perfect for you. You tell me it's not for you, it shouldn't be for you but then you tell me to aim for perfect. What happens if I don't want perfect? What then? Do I fail you? No. Then, my standards aren't high enough and that's wrong. To who?? You!
I'm so fuckin screwed and I know it. I don't need you to rub it in my face.

Monday, February 25, 2013

The Week in Between Hell

Over dramatic? Eh, maybe. 

In recent news: Didn't throw $300 (from someone else's pocket) into the big ocean which is not bad and unexpected. However, I'm starring at a pretty blank screen 10hrs before this paper's due with 50/250 words down. Pretty good achievement seeing as I started tonight and been having the need to pop advils but not so good overall. Especially night before the first day back. Taken me about a millisecond in between yt videos to realize that a week has gone by and I have done absolutely nothing related to school. So much for heading towards the smart people boat. *sigh

Week went a little like:
Skipped a whole lot of classes, watched Bourne Legacy, went out for dinner for Popo's bday( and ended up with 2 giant cakes), worked and then worked some more, watched Skyfall and then rewatched Avengers, taught rball, went grocery shopping (1pm Costco hotdog meal "brunch" followed by Samurai girl date), tried Cyclefit for the first time,  went to hot yoga, stuffed myself full of raw everything at Tomo with a crew of really awesome people (and then had cake), cooked fat attack dinner, dined on fat attack dinner with awesome cousins, played a new board game (Survive), played with sparklers, went to work again (and had a pretty good time), and procrastinated a whole shittin lot. 
Not necessarily in that order cuz god knows I've got next to no short term memory but you get the point. Didn't work out a whole lot. Saw a whole lot of family. Ate a lot of Japanese food and got really really fat. However, I also discovered Cyclefit so as long as I fit that into my schedule and stay a float I should be fine right?

We'll see.
Back to that word count!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Haven't visited for a while..

Which I guess is technically kind of a good thing....
Socio midterm tmr which I am not ready for. /: Heading to bed anyways though after a day of fucking around because I need to. Highly doubt that I can avoid it but fingers crossed I don't get raped.
Been getting pulled into a warp it seems; like a black hole. Got to change things. Two big goals: control my bingeing and control my useless web-ing (mainly fuckin YouTube). :@ ruining my life.

There is no easy, just life. Fuckin deal with it.

On the brighter side, CNY coming up! Weekend after midterm calls for good food, bio notes, Batman and Bond, and hopefully some snow!

P.s thought I'd add some color.