I always come here with a post in mind, realize how behind/ how long ago the last post was and end up masssss posting. Decided to split it up, so now that that huge post is out of the way, I can say what I meant to say. 2 posts in a night, cray. So much for getting up for work tmr. /:
Anyhooo, my transfer FINALLY came through!! And I got it! Zomg that wait was excruciating. Lost count of how many times I went into my account, held my breath until I got the "it takes forever for us to process shit" message, again and again. But I am ecstatic. I found out during class and was so close to jumping straight out of my seat. It's still kinda hard to process. The coast isn't exactly clear though because now I have to take second year science courses. Great. Gotta buckle down and get shit done. Like real shit. Aiya, obnoxious Chloe is coming out so I'll leave with this. Some cuties and a good song.