Tuesday, April 24, 2012


"Ow, you kicked my spleen!"
I don't understand how fazed I am by the fact that people change. Things change. Time passes and things are just not the same. There are so many road not taken moments that I wish I could Ctrl F5 and go back and  live those roads. Its so hard to look towards the unforeseeable  future road compared to the path we've just gone down. The exits we passed that we can't get back to. I would more than anything want to meet the Chloe who danced or the Chloe who played the clarinet. The Chloe who played baseball and basketball or the Chloe who continually ranked nationally playing racquetball until she got to worlds. The Chloe who got good grades, the one who didn't lie, steal, cheat, or drink. I mean of course there are a million what if's, but I am who I am now solely because I'm not who they are. And I don't know, but sometimes, a pare of me wishes I was one of them.

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