Over the past couple years, I have found that the idea of family has become quite important to me. Don't really know what triggered it but maybe between both 太婆's passing away and mama and 姑婆's trips to the hospital I've just felt the need to get closer with my relatives around me. The trip to hk two spring break's ago really opened my eyes to how little I knew of my dad's side of the family. It's difficult with big spread out families with ginourmous age gaps but it's also embarrassing not knowing how a 表哥is related to you.
Got to see a whole crowd of relatives I haven't seen in a good couple of years tonight at my Uncle's birthday. It was truly amazing and I felt like I spent the night soaking them in. Kids that I once could hold in my arms were running around like monkeys. Just seemed so surreal and I guess that's just me feeling old. lol. Putting together a little fam tree to see if I can put everyone down on 'paper'. So I can get my famjam straight I guess and not just know people as "somehow related to me".
*insert token now*